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Our College community extends to all students (past and present), staff, parents and families. In all of our actions, we aim to protect the fundamental dignity of all members of our community. Together we seek truth in our relationship with God, in ourselves and with each other as this is fundamental to our life journey.


As our goal is to provide the best educational experience and opportunities for all of our students, Kearnan College’s pastoral care includes a structure where:

  • All staff members are responsible for the social, emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual development of each student who comes within their sphere of influence.

  • Strong mutually respectful relationships are established between the staff, students and their families in a Christian community setting.

  • Students become aware that the school is part of St Joseph’s Parish community and encourage them to participate in the wider community from a Christian perspective.

  • Clear, consistent, firm and just discipline is practiced in an environment which fosters the development of responsible self-discipline.

  • Students and staff are able to appreciate the care that they experience in this area.

Pastoral Care Network


We understand that as children mature, there may be times that they need extra layers of support. In order to support our community, the College has a K-12 Head of Pastoral Care who works with the Head of Secondary, Head of Junior School and all other staff in order to ensure that students and families are appropriately nurtured through their Kearnan experience. 


The College also implements a number of proactive measures in order to support students with their development. Some of these include: 

  • Year 10,11&12 Retreat 

  • Year 9 Canberra Trip  

  • Year 10/11/12 Countryweek 

  • Year 10 Pathways Day 

  • Year 8 and 9 Outdoor Education Camp 

  • K -12 GRIT Day 

  • K-12 Wheels for Well Being 

  • Year 7 Orientation Days 

  • Year 7 Camp 

  • Year 6 Camp 

  • Year 5 Camp 

  • Year 4 Camp 

  • Seasons for Growth  


We also think it is vital that parents are supported through their child’s journey. The College holds numerous parent evenings and afternoon teas and continually looks for ways for parents to share in their child’s education. Whether it be through attending assemblies, volunteering in the classroom, uniform shop or canteen, assisting on camp or dedicating time to the Junior School’s options program, parents are very welcome members of our community. 

Aware that the Warren-Blackwood region is relatively isolated, the College also actively seeks ways for ‘experts’ to visit the community. With child and adolescent emotional health and wellbeing an important aspect of maturation, the College works closely with health professionals in our community to ensure a local support network is available for all.  

Address: 25 Moore Street,

Manjimup W.A 6258

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Kearnan College acknowledges and respects the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which our students live and are educated The Pibelmum people of the Noongar nation.

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