The Middle School at Kearnan College caters for students from Years 7 to 9. We support the development of academic skills and social strategies of students in these year groups as they move through the exciting, yet challenging, transition of early adolescence. The aim of our Middle School is to provide all students with a quality education which enables them to develop their skills, knowledge and talents to the fullest extent.
The Kearnan Experience
Our Middle School setting provides Years 7, 8 and 9 students with a precinct that is theirs alone. The transition to secondary schooling can be daunting for twelve year olds, so we have a Middle School building where all Year 7 classes and most Year 8 classes are timetabled. This enhances our Middle School students’ feelings of belonging and reduces some of the initial fears faced by some students when they commence secondary education.
A broad and comprehensive curriculum aims to meet the needs of all students. In Year 7, students undertake a range of subjects from all learning areas. In Years 8 and 9, students also choose elective subjects to broaden their knowledge of other courses. Throughout Middle School, we offer an extensive and engaging curriculum within the following learning areas:
Religious Education
Health & Physical Education
Humanities & Social Science
Technology & Enterprise
Design & Technology
Information Communication Technology
Home Economics
Languages Other than English
The Arts
Visual Arts
Theatre Arts

Extra Curricular
Our Middle School students take part in a number of extra curricular activities throughout the year which provide a variety of educational and social skills, knowledge and experiences in conjunction with the curriculum offered in the classroom. We have our own interhouse swimming and athletics carnivals along with representative teams travelling to Perth to take part in the interschool swimming and athletics events. Students also have the opportunity to compete in a range of School Sport WA competitions.
Throughout the year Middle School students may take part the in following range of activities and events each of which complement the curriculum and provide additional learning opportunities for students:

Yr 7 Camp
Project Compassion - Caritas
Herbert Edwards Tennis Cup (School Sport WA)
Australian Mathematics Competition
Homework Club
Outdoor Education Camp
School Trips (Canberra, Ningaloo)