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K-12 Resources


As a K -12 school, we are in the unique position of being able to utilise many resources that are usually only found in secondary schools. The sharing of computer labs, Science labs, Home Economic centres and Design and Technology workshops, which allows our Year 5 and 6 students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with secondary teachers and specialist resources as part of their curriculum, easing their transition to Middle School.


Extra-curricular Opportunities


Throughout the year students have the opportunity to participate in a number of different after school activities. These include athletics training, cross country training, after school sports, Specialist Netball Academy and altar server training. We experience great success in both Athletics and Cross Country. To support our strong sports program, our school runs after school training programs and fundamental movement skills. Where possible, students have the opportunity to participate in interschool competitions like the state primary cross country competition and netball competitions.


Extra-curricular Opportunities


Throughout the year students have the opportunity to participate in a number of different after school activities. These include athletics training, cross country training, after school sports, numero club and altar server training. We experience great success in both Athletics and Cross Country due to our strong emphasis on after school training and a fundamental movement skills program that runs before school in Term 1 and 4. Students also have an opportunity to compete in the State Primary Cross Country competition in Perth during August.

Address: 25 Moore Street,

Manjimup W.A 6258

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Kearnan College acknowledges and respects the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which our students live and are educated The Pibelmum people of the Noongar nation.

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