Kearnan College highly values that the school and parents must work in partnership to optimise educational outcomes for our students.
The College invites the wider community to take a very active role in our students’ schooling through Parents & Friends activities. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the P&F committee and are welcome to attend the monthly meetings.
Whilst P&F events serve to provide students with further resources, these events also provide parents and guardians with an ideal opportunity to enrich their school community networks. Being a parent can sometimes be a lonely experience; cultivating meaningful relationships with other members of the community can prove to be very beneficial.
The College community has a very passionate P&F Executive who tirelessly dedicate their time to a variety of events. For these events to be successful, active support from the school community is needed.
2022 P&F Executive:
President: Leah Kilrain
Vice President:
Treasurer: Lee-Anne Pardini
Secretary: Naomi Dronow
Previous P&F initiatives have led to items such as the following:
Extra lunchtime resources for students
Sport equipment
Guest speakers/Authors who specialise in areas such as emotional health and wellbeing
Students’ Mathletics subscriptions being purchased.
For further information regarding the P&F, please contact the College at
2022 Council Members:
Board Chair: Dianna Western
Vice Chair: Shayne Forth
Secretary: Nicole Giblett
Other Board members: Domenica Daniels, Jo Ipsen, Steele Jacob.
Ex-Officio members: Ben Priest, Fr Edwin Ocho & Kim Brotherton.
Click here to read the 2021 Financial Advisory Council report.